No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge

What's really stopping you from creating a new normal?

Dinah Liversidge Season 2021 Episode 43

What have you always said 'one day' about? What have you put off changing even though you really want to?
In this episode I ask what's really stopping you from creating a new version of normal going forward and how you can challenge that.

Speaker 1:

Hi there I'm Dinah Liversidge. Thanks for joining me on my no box thinking podcast this month in my series of 10 short podcasts, I'm focusing on what everybody seems to be talking about at the moment, which is a return to normal. The idea that we're all desperate to get back to the lives. We had pre lockdown, and I'm asking you to challenge your own mindset on this. To ask yourself the question, what would I like to take forward into a new version of normal for me? And what perhaps would I like to leave behind? And today I wanted to ask you a question, what are you really afraid of changing? We live in the most remarkable place out of every window in my little cottage. I see either trees or Hills. I hear Birdsong pretty much all day and thanks to the owls even occasionally at night. Um, I can see the Milky way at night because it is so dark here. And we have a little heart in our Woodland that people can come and stay in for short breaks. And they all pretty much say the same thing when they leave. They say, wow, this place is so beautiful. You are so lucky to live here. And I always agree and acknowledge how grateful I am that we found this place. And then they say, I love to be that brave to move away from where we live. We'd really love to live in the countryside like you do. And I usually smile and ask something like what's stopping you. And it's interesting listening to the stories they've told themselves about why they can't do that thing. They say they want to do. And I find it particularly interesting because John, my husband and I said exactly the same things until we were in our mid forties, uh, it's seven years this year that we've been living here. So until we were in our late, actually late forties, we didn't stop with the excuses and the stories either. In fact, it took a pretty life-changing event for us to be brave enough to say, okay, you know what? Can't think of a good reason not to make that move. Let's just do that thing. We'll make it work. And it was amazing because actually we never sat down and said, let's do the pros and the cons. Let's be really practical about this and work everything out. We just got in a car for three weekends in a row, drove around in a country. We knew, we thought was beautiful until we found a place that went, yup. I need you to live here as much as you need to be here. And so we didn't have excuses or stories to tell ourselves we'd fallen in love and clearly found our home, but it took something pretty dramatic to get us to do it almost as dramatic as a world pandemic. Well, it felt almost as dramatic at our, in our little tiny world at the time. But my point is you, if you're listening to this, you've just lived through a world pandemic. I'd say it doesn't get much more dramatic than that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All those things you were scared about that have stopped. You making those changes that have stopped you saying I'm leaving this stuff now in my past. And I'm going to change things for my new version of normal. They don't apply anymore. And if they do apply it's because you're not really allowing yourself to acknowledge what you've just survived. So I urge you don't wait for the next big disaster. Look at what you've come through and make a decision. I will not get this chance again. What am I going to change? What does my new normal get to look like?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Love to hear what you come up with. Do let me know, connect with me on Twitter or on my blog diner And I'd love to know your thoughts. And in the meantime, remember, there is no box.