No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
69 episodes
Are you following your purpose?
Lving with purpose. Living your purpose as a profession, with integrity and passion, is an interesting journey.You will find yourself talking to yourself about how other people feel about your purpose.You may even stop yourself from val...
Season 2022
Episode 2
How do you talk to yourself?
Our mindset is set by the language we use, and most importantly, the language we use when we talk to ourselves.In this episode, I ask how you're talking to yourself and whether you notice the impact that has on you and those around you....
Season 2022
Episode 1
A focus on gratitude for mental wellness
It's great to be back. This month, I'm focusing on gratitude. Being grateful has been a huge part of my daily mental health strategy for the last five years. In this first episode, I explain why gratitude is so important for me, pe...
Season 2021
Episode 48
What is stopping you creating a new normal? It's probably you!
What do you tell yourself about your ability to create a new normal?
Season 2021
Episode 47
What do you really mean by new normal? Can you create a new version of normal?
When everyone talks about a new normal, they are all picturing something different.My version of normal and yours, will be very different.If you really want to create a new version of normal, you need to define what that is.
Season 2021
Episode 46
How important is it to schedule time to create your new normal?
I have always found, if I don't schedule time in my diary for the things that I want to do, not just the things I have to do, they don't happen.In this episode I suggest the first step in creating your new normal, is to schedule time in you...
Season 2021
Episode 45
Make nature part of your new normal to support your mindset and mental health
During Mental Health awareness month, there has been a focus on making time for nature to support our mental wellness.Since moving to our woodland home, in West Wales, I have become more an more aware of the impact nature has on my mindset ...
Season 2021
Episode 44
What's really stopping you from creating a new normal?
What have you always said 'one day' about? What have you put off changing even though you really want to?In this episode I ask what's really stopping you from creating a new version of normal going forward and how you can challenge that.
Season 2021
Episode 43
What could you leave behind and not carry into your new normal?
What if you could leave behind all the old habits, practices and behaviors that you used to dislike about your old 'normal'?In this episode I explore the idea that you can leave these things in the past.
Season 2021
Episode 42
What do you want to take forward to your new normal?
As we start to emerge from lockdowns around the world, what do you miss so much from your old normal? Everyone's in such a hurry to get back to normal.In this episode I ask you to think about what you really want to take forward.
Season 2021
Episode 41
Change the set of your mindset
What if you control your mind-set like the sets at the theater? The set change that occurs between scenes is just like your mindset and with the right production, you can change the script, the other players and the set.
Season 2021
Episode 40
Make one change at a time for effective, lasting change.
Change is a mindset matter. Making one change at a time, instead of the that long list, is going to allow you to change your mindset about your ability to change things in your life.I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer...
Season 2021
Episode 39
What does your record on change really look like? What story are you telling yourself about change?
I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels...
Season 2021
Episode 38
Nature embraces the change cycle and so can you. What if you changed your mind about your ability to change?
I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels...
Season 2021
Episode 37
Our ability to change allows us to thrive in relationships. Change is about mindset
What story we tell ourselves about change is often tied to relationships with others. I celebrate 33 years married this month and it has been our ability to change, for and with each other, that is core to that relationship.
Season 2021
Episode 36
What can nature teach us about change? Embracing a new language for a change mindset
It's spring here in West Wales and we're getting a wonderful example of how nature shows us the way to embrace change. Everything in nature depends on change. When we change the story about change that we tell ourselves, we can be more in contr...
Season 2021
Episode 35
What are you telling yourself you can't change? It's a mindset thing!
What do you constantly tell yourself you can't change? Have you ever looked at the real reason behind changes you consistently attempt but fail to make?I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Cha...
Season 2021
Episode 34
What is your current language about change?
What is your current language about change? How's that working out for you? what language can you leave in your past to allow you to change the message to yourself about your ability to thrive at change?I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Co...
Season 2021
Episode 33
Change can be great. Focus on your last positive change.
Change can be a wonderful experience. Instead of telling yourself how hard you find change, I suggest that you focus on the last positive change you made and be clear about your motives.I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, ...
Season 2021
Episode 32
Change is a Mindset issue! What if you decided to change your attitude to change?
What if you decided to change the story you tell yourself about your ability to change? This month, I'm focusing on change and how we can change our mindset about it.I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant...
Season 2021
Episode 31
Becoming fluent in your new Mindset Language
How can you become fluent in the more positive and constructive mindset language you want to embrace? I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carma...
Season 2021
Episode 30
Learning a new mindset language by listening to others
Who do you find has a positive language that always uplifts you?Who do you love listening to? Are you aware who they listen to?I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland...
Season 2021
Episode 29
Educating others in our new Mindset Language
In the eighth short March episode, I'm looking at how we can help those around us to learn to embrace our new mindset languageI’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabi...
Season 2021
Episode 28
Challenging your old Mindset Language: Learn a new Mindset Language
It's up to you to change you Mindset Language.In this episode, I ask if you're ready to change your language to allow your mindset to start creating a new truth.I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and c...
Season 2021
Episode 27
A basic vocabulary for Growth Mindset: Learn a new mindset language
In this episode I ask what vocabulary you use that is conducive to a Growth Mindset? Can you change simple parts of your language to help your mindset shift?I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host...
Season 2021
Episode 26