No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
How do you talk to yourself?
Our mindset is set by the language we use, and most importantly, the language we use when we talk to ourselves.
In this episode, I ask how you're talking to yourself and whether you notice the impact that has on you and those around you.
I'm Dinah Liversidge and I'm a Certified Master Life Coach and REBT Mindset Coach.
Hi there. I'm Diner Li , and thank you for joining me on my No Box Thinking podcast. How do you talk to yourself? The next time you say something cruel or unkind to yourself? I want you to stop and say it out loud. Did you hear how you talk to yourself? Did you really hear it? That language that you use, the words that you say to yourself are going to shape your mindset, your confidence, and ultimately your results. When you talk to yourself, you are reinforcing the messages you carry throughout your daily life. When you start your day with positive language, your mindset is impacted in a way that makes you feel more likely to have a successful day. When you talk to yourself with words of encouragement, self-belief, and hope, you are setting yourself up to succeed. However, start your day with a negative message and hey, it's no surprise you are on a path that could get ugly. The language of self defeat the negative voice that's setting you up as a failure for the day ahead, and it's going to create your reality. Is it possible that you are creating your own drama? Do you often feel you are having a bad day? Does your boss seem to pick you out to give you a hard time? Perhaps you are generally feeling taken for granted. Well, the great news is that by changing the way you talk to yourself, you are going to find your reality changes as well. You see, you are creating the situations that you find yourself in. Yes, you. You are talking to yourself in a way that gives other people permission to treat you badly , ignore you, and not include you. You are doing that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing bad or ignorant behavior, but what you have to own is that you are the one. Setting the tone. Setting some boundaries is vital for you . Reestablish
Speaker 2:Yourself , respect . When did you last? Make it clear that you deserve to be spoken to differently. When did you tell yourself this? Nevermind anybody else. How about just today? You decide to challenge that inner voice. Speak to yourself with a kinder, more nurturing tone. How about you see what impact it has on your mood and your mindset? I'm pretty confident you are gonna like it enough that you'll want to try it again tomorrow. Take it one day at a time. Don't be judgmental , and that, oh , typical I messed up conversation doesn't belong in your head. So drop that one and just try again tomorrow. I'd love to hear how you get on.