No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge

Create your own timeline - add to your timeline to support your positive change

Dinah Liversidge Season 2021 Episode 9

When we focus on lack, on what we don't want or don't have, we create only negative thoughts and responses. Therefore, to create a new more positive timeline, we can focus on adding positive people, language and things to spend time on in order to create positive responses.

I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels and limitations that were always an illusion. There never was a box.

I love being a Coach, a Celebrant and a Host. All these aspects of my life help me achieve that illusive ‘work-life balance’ so many seem to be striving for. Join me in Myddfai in our woodland garden for a #MyddfaiMinute and listen to one minute of birdsong. I hope it brings you some peace.

If you’d like to explore Coaching, take a look at my Mindset Coaching here. 

I hope you’re enjoying my Podcasts. I’d love you to share them with someone you think would get something positive from them. 


Speaker 1:

I there I'm doing a Liversidge thanks for joining me on my podcast. And this month I'm talking about creating your own timeline. This is episode nine and today I was going to focus on the idea that you can add things to your timeline that are there to support you in creating new, positive habits. Our timeline reflect our focus and often we get kind of in a rot. So we'll find ourselves seeking out opinions and people and even music that supports our mood. I, uh, I actually have a playlist called when only a good cry will do. Do you know, what's wonderful is I realized recently it's been a long time since I went to that playlist. It's been a long time because I took a big decision a couple of years ago, I think to say, why am I going to wallow in that mood? How about if instead I brought something into my timeline that when I felt myself going down into that place, instead of carrying on downwards, I'll find music that takes me upwards. So a great example of that is the fabulous Heather Small of M people. Um, I've always, always loved her voice. It's just so gorgeous and almost syrupy warm. Um, and she has an amazing range and she has a gorgeous song. Proud. What have you done today to make yourself proud? And pride is something it's often difficult to express without feeling, gosh, that's naughty, you know, should I be self congratulating? Well, I think at the moment, any day that you get through from start to finish is something to feel proud of. So I started a new playlist and it's called lift me up. And it's full of songs that I adore the kind of music you can't sit still to that. When you hear it, you're instantly connecting with a memory that puts a smile on your face or makes you want to dance. I'm finding more and more that I cannot resist singing. When I adore a song, I'm going to go for it. You know, being isolated from others has meant we need to discover these moments more. We need to put into our timelines, things that are going to build us up. And one of the really critical things I've done for myself support is to actually share schedule reminders to myself, to do this. I don't know about you, but I'm great at looking at other people and seeing, Hey, they need a minute. They need me to be present for them and just listen. And somehow, no matter how busy we are, many of us will find the time to do that for someone we care about. And yet often when it's us, who needs that minute, we tell ourselves a story about being too busy and we don't give ourselves that moment away that minute to sing, or to just be in peace in nature, or to go for that walk or just to ask our nearest and dearest for that hug. So today I'd like you to think, what could I add to my timeline to increase a sense of positivity of wellness, of caring of joy. And remember, don't focus this on lack of don't keep asking what is missing from instead. What can I add to the language here is really important. Support yourself in being positive, by looking at positives to add, I heard a beautiful expression during 2020, it came from Libby Moore and she said, nature is the new corner office. That's profoundly beautiful. And so insightful. Um, not surprising really because Libya spoke those things in abundance. Um, but it comes to my mind often when I think about what we used to think was valuable in our timelines, from our day-to-day lives. We craved this idea that promotion and somehow having this office with a great view was what we wanted to aim for. And now in lockdown, in isolation from others, just being able to look out a window and see trees. I know how lucky I am to have that in my timeline. So what are you going to add to your timeline over this year? And even just over today or this week, what are you going to, to lift you up? If you start a playlist, I'd love you to share it. Do you connect with me? You'll find me on Twitter at diner Liversidge or of course on LinkedIn. Uh, I am the only person with that name on LinkedIn. So I'm, I'm easy to find, but I'd love to know. What are you going to add that allows your, your future focus, where you're looking forward to, to remain a positive place, to help you create a more beneficial to you, nurturing, caring timeline. The next episode is going to be the last in this series of 10. And we're going to talk about where all the drama went. I hope you'll join me. And if you're enjoying the podcast, I'd be really grateful if you'd share it and let other people know about it. Remember no need to try and think outside the box. There never was one.