No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
Challenging your old Mindset Language: Learn a new Mindset Language
It's up to you to change you Mindset Language.
In this episode, I ask if you're ready to change your language to allow your mindset to start creating a new truth.
I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels and limitations that were always an illusion. There never was a box.
I love being a Coach, a Celebrant and a Host. All these aspects of my life help me achieve that illusive ‘work-life balance’ so many seem to be striving for. Join me in Myddfai in our woodland garden for a #MyddfaiMinute and listen to one minute of birdsong. I hope it brings you some peace.
If you’d like to explore Coaching, take a look at my Mindset Coaching here.
I hope you’re enjoying my Podcasts. I’d love you to share them with someone you think would get something positive from them.
Hi there I'm Dinah Leversedge and welcome to my no box thinking podcast. This month in my series of short podcasts, I've been focusing on how much language impacts our mindset and language really is something that we have to own and be responsible for the language that you have been using the language that feels familiar. That's because of you, you repeat things to yourself. You say things when you're not really concentrating. And as a result, that language becomes your mindset. If I keep telling myself that I'm no good at something, I often find I start to make more mistakes when I'm doing it. And that's because the language I've convinced myself is true, becomes true. So learning a new language, a new way of talking to ourselves will have enormous impact, not just on how we feel, but how we perform at tasks, how we communicate with others. And generally in our daily lives on the impact that everything we encounter has. If I am in a good place in my head, if my mindset is kind of set to open and growth today, then my experience of the day is going to be a much more positive one than if I'm in my imposter mindset all day. And so that language, which we're talking this month about changing needs to be challenged. Now, the news flash on this, and it's one of those, the good news is, and the bad news is the good news is you can challenge your language. The bad news is you are the only one who can change your language. So when you are using, um, derogatory or derisory terms about yourself, there's probably someone who cares about you. Who's heard you doing that and said, don't do that. Don't talk to yourself like that. That's not true about you. You're marvelous. You're beautiful. You're talented, but you're not really processing it because that's their truth. And until your language in your head changes, it's not your truth. So challenging. Our language becomes a necessity. If we really want to change it it's any habit we're doing it without thinking we're not really conscious or present. And so we start to pick up the cigarette or the drink or the bar of chocolate or whatever it is. We've decided we want to be more conscious about doing or even stopped doing, or the same is true with the language. So you're going to say the things you've always said, what you need to do to change. That is to be more conscious, to be more aware of those words and challenge yourself. I'm really lucky. I've worked from home since the 1990s. So I talk to myself in my office quite a lot, and nobody knows, well, except you know now, but I talk to myself out loud and I'll do it to challenge my language. So when I was sitting and trying to set the price for a course, I'm working on and my imposter was talking the price down and telling me that people weren't going to want to buy it. I stood up because I find when I moved physically, that helps and out loud, I said, really, really, you're going to do this again. Are you? And how does that usually go? Now I can smile now, as I say that, because when I say that to you, it does sound kind of odd, doesn't it? But actually by challenging that language out loud, really being present in the moment, I'm conscious and saying, how does this work out for me? When I choose this path? When I, when I use this language that keeps me small, that squishes me down, that flattens myself belief. How does that go for me? So maybe this time I can do it differently. I'd love to know how you get on with challenging your language and do you stand up and do it out loud? It's a good idea to make sure you're on your own when you do. Thanks for joining me on the podcast. On the next episode, I'm going to be talking about how we can educate those who care about us in our new language. I hope you'll join me and do stop trying to think outside the box. There really isn't one.