No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
Change can be great. Focus on your last positive change.
Change can be a wonderful experience. Instead of telling yourself how hard you find change, I suggest that you focus on the last positive change you made and be clear about your motives.
I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels and limitations that were always an illusion. There never was a box.
I love being a Coach, a Celebrant and a Host. All these aspects of my life help me achieve that illusive ‘work-life balance’ so many seem to be striving for. Join me in Myddfai in our woodland garden for a #MyddfaiMinute and listen to one minute of birdsong. I hope it brings you some peace.
If you’d like to explore Coaching, take a look at my Mindset Coaching here.
I hope you’re enjoying my Podcasts. I’d love you to share them with someone you think would get something positive from them.
Hi there, I'm Diana Liver . Thanks for joining me on my No Box Thinking podcast. In this second episode on Change, I wanted to talk about the great changes, the positive changes. We touched on this last time, but you know, change is a mindset thing. The way we treat it, the way we think about it, and the stories we tell ourselves about how good or bad we are at changing and at embracing opportunities that might appear through change . So today we're going to look at changing it in your head by really focusing on that last positive change you made. I'd love you to start this process by thinking that last positive change. Why did you make it? What was your real reason for saying, I'm going to change this and this is why? And then I'd love you to think what the outcome was. You know, it's interesting, isn't it? How often we dictate an outcome simply with our mindset? So this successful change you made that you were really clear about why you were making it, that resulted in a positive outcome, that's no coincidence. Your mindset was in a place that said, I have real motivation for this. I know why I want to change this habit or behavior or attitude or action that I regularly take . I'm clear about my reason for wanting to do this, and the word should probably didn't play a part in it. That word should, gosh, that so belongs in room 1 0 1. We beat ourselves with it. It's so negative. And when we make a positive change, we tend not to say, I should have changed this by now. And instead we say, I'm changing this because, so having that reason, being really clear about it and it not being because I should, you know, the next time you hear yourself saying, I should stop, take a breath and ask, according to whom, who was it, who told you you should, whatever that thing is, because that's probably their mindset issue, not yours. Park that one. And instead, think about why I really want to change this thing. And then start to think about the outcome you want to create. What is your clear intention for this change ? I'm going to change this because I want, I'm going to do this differently because I'd love to, you know, I'm going to rebalance my networking because I'd love to get my work life balance right? I'm going to address the amount of admin I do because I want to be available to more people to have more actual conversations and spend less time on the paperwork involved in that. So be clear, what's the reason for making the change and what does that outcome look like? Visualize yourself, once that change has occurred, how's that gonna impact your day? How's it gonna impact your life? How might it impact your mindset? How do you feel when you change something and it's successful? You feel great, don't you? You feel like, look at me taking on this change, this challenge, this situation, and absolutely nailing it. I rock <laugh>. You know, there's nothing better is there than that affirmation to self that says, actually, I'm really good at change. So I'd love you to focus on one positive change that you made. Remind yourself what the reason was for the change in the first place, and what the outcome of that positive change has meant for you already. Then I want you to put that somewhere you can see it. You are reminding yourself of a , of a new story. You know, like when we talk about learning a new language or the language of change that you've been telling yourself is ready to be changed. So write out, I'm making this change because the outcome is going to to mean this, or the outcome's gonna feel or look like this, and then stick that somewhere. You can see it every single day, and I guarantee while you are working on the change, when you root yourself back to why you are doing it and what the outcome's gonna look like, your mindset on this will change. I know I'm great at handling change. I have handled so many in my world. They weren't always easy, but I've managed to tackle every one of them , and I
Speaker 2:Look back with real pride and a huge sense of achievement. And what that does for me is when something is thrown in my path that might otherwise send me off on a massive detour and a big stressy fit, I can take a breath and say, it's change . I'm good at this. Bring it on. I'd love to know how you get on, and I really hope that you'll join me. In the next episode where we're going to talk about language again, and specifically your language in relation to change. Do join me and in the meantime, stop trying to think outside that box. It really doesn't exist.