No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
What is your current language about change?
What is your current language about change? How's that working out for you? what language can you leave in your past to allow you to change the message to yourself about your ability to thrive at change?
I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels and limitations that were always an illusion. There never was a box.
I love being a Coach, a Celebrant and a Host. All these aspects of my life help me achieve that illusive ‘work-life balance’ so many seem to be striving for. Join me in Myddfai in our woodland garden for a #MyddfaiMinute and listen to one minute of birdsong. I hope it brings you some peace.
If you’d like to explore Coaching, take a look at my Mindset Coaching here.
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Speaker 2:There. I'm Dinah Leversedge. Thanks for joining me on my no box thinking podcast today, I'm talking about change. Change really is a mindset issue, and it's also a language ACA like so much in our minds. So today I wanted to ask, what is your current language about change and how's that working out for you? So what do I really mean by that? Well, there's language that we carry from childhood, right? The way through our lives. And sometimes it serves us better to look at that language and say, is that actually still relevant? And we do this a lot. When we think about and talk about and tell ourselves about change. We say things like change is painful. Change is difficult. I've had to make lots of nasty changes, but in actual fact, that's often based on an experience from a long way back in our past, and despite having positive experiences since then, we have chosen to focus on the negative ones. So how about if you looked at that language you're currently using and asked yourself what language could I leave in my past so that I can change my message to myself about change in my future?
Speaker 1:What language
Speaker 2:Doesn't serve me? What language is no longer my truth. I know I struggled with change much more as a child and particularly in my teens than I do now. I was adopted when I was six weeks old. And of course we don't remember consciously what that was like, but to have been taken away from my mother at six weeks after forming a bond that many people now believe starts after a really short time in side, a womb to be ripped away from her, obviously had a massive impact on me. It was an enormous change. And as a teenager, I often blamed my challenge with change on that on the trauma I had obviously experienced well now, as an adult, I flipped that language and I've said that having undergone such an enormous change so early in my life clearly set me up to cope with change in a spectacular way. It doesn't get much tougher. And so all of the things that have happened that have caused me and my family and my loved ones to make change, I had been prepared for those by a really difficult change, very, very early in my life. So young that although I don't have those kind of cognitive memories, conscious memories, they are buried really deep within me. And I've taken the language about that and made it positive. Thank you for preparing me to cope with change. Thank you for having this, this historical reference to base it on and to be able to remind myself, look at the change you coped with. Look at the change that you survived. This change is something you can manage.
Speaker 1:So
Speaker 2:Language that you're telling yourself it is within your control to change the language. And I guarantee that when you do you change the message that you're giving yourself about your ability to embrace and thrive when change occurs.
Speaker 1:Yes,
Speaker 2:I hope you've enjoyed the topic today. Change is such a massive topic and it felt to me that linking it with mindset was really, really important because we are constantly influencing the stories we tell ourselves and telling ourselves that change is bad or difficult or challenging instead of change is opportunity is a chance to meet new people is a way of doing something new. It's so integral to everything that goes hand in hand with mindset. So I hope you're enjoying this topic. I hope you'll join me in the next episode where we're going to look at what you constantly tell yourself about not being able to change and what that is as a mindset.
Speaker 1:Join me
Speaker 2:Next time. And until then, stop fretting so much about trying to think outside the box then never, ever was a box.