There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
What does your record on change really look like? What story are you telling yourself about change?
•Dinah Liversidge•Season 2021•Episode 38
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00:00 | 06:26
I’m Dinah Liversidge and I’m a Coach and Trainer, a Celebrant and co-host of The Charcoal Hut, a woodland cabin in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire. I’m also a no-box-thinker. I believe when we stop trying to ‘think outside the box’ we take away labels and limitations that were always an illusion. There never was a box.
I love being a Coach, a Celebrant and a Host. All these aspects of my life help me achieve that illusive ‘work-life balance’ so many seem to be striving for. Join me in Myddfai in our woodland garden for a #MyddfaiMinute and listen to one minute of birdsong. I hope it brings you some peace.
If you’d like to explore Coaching, take a look at my Mindset Coaching here.
I hope you’re enjoying my Podcasts. I’d love you to share them with someone you think would get something positive from them.
Speaker 1:
Hi there I'm Dinah Liversidge. Thanks for joining me on my note box thinking podcast this month, I'm focusing on change and how change is very much all about our mindset. We've been looking at how nature impacts our ability to change, how we can learn from it. And also how the story we tell ourselves about our ability to change will impact the results. You know, that's so much a mindset, that story that says I'm not good at change. I struggle with change. I find change difficult. That's just a story. And today I'd like you to do something to start changing that story. I'd like you to write down the number 10, but I'd like you to write it down three times with plenty of space in between. Imagine an a four sheet of paper, split it into three sections and write 10 as a sort of heading at the very top, a third of the way down and then two thirds of the way down. And here's why I'd like you to do that. Change occurs every moment and every single day of your life. I'd like you to really be honest with yourself about how change has impacted you. So that first 10 is 10 days. What has changed in the last 10 days that you have embraced and enjoyed and been pleased to hear or celebrated or even been delighted by the second of those tens is 10 weeks. What's your getting it aren't you what's changed in the last 10 weeks of your life. What's been positive because of that. What came up that you perhaps thought was going to be really challenging and then you're really proud of how you embraced and dealt with that change. And then the third, no, I'm not going to ask you to choose 10 months. I'm going to ask you to choose 10 years. What has changed in the last 10 years of your life? Now you're going to need more than that last third of the page for this, I'm hoping you'll turn the page over and write all over the back as well, because many, many things will have changed in those last 10 years. Several of which at the time will have felt catastrophic, devastating, debilitating, and yet, as you learn to cope or change or do things and look at things a different way because of that great and wonderful things will have happened. I had a, a fairly significant life-changing accident in my twenties. And somebody said to me recently, if you could go back in a time machine, I bet you wish your accident hadn't happened. Don't you? And I had to say in all honesty, no, I would not change that because that moment, that devastating, terrible time was the seed for significant change in myself. Belief for huge change of positivity in the way I worked, the way I parented the way I lived my life, the way I embraced opportunity, the way I let go of fear. All of those things were because of that moment of change, that was forced on us as a family. And that we had to learn to work differently, to be different because of we have to reinvent ourselves all the time. Not because we're fickle or because we want to be different, but because change says, I know you thought you were going that way, but actually we're going to go this way. And when you look back at those tens, the 10 days, the 10 weeks, the 10 years aren't, there are amazing things along that path that at the time caused you, unspeakable unspeakable moments of anguish or pain that you now say, you know, without that moment, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I'd love to know how you get on. I say that because I really mean it. I really want to know what you're getting from my podcasts. So do connect, do reach out and say hello on Twitter at diner. Liversidge you'll also find me on LinkedIn and engage with me. Let me know, change that today. Decide that instead of talking yourself out of making new connections, you'll actually reach out and do it. I would love to hear from you. And if you're enjoying my podcast, I would love you to share it. I hope you'll join me next time, where we're going to talk about changing your mindset and until then, perhaps you'll change the way that you think about whether or not you need to think outside of box. If it's purely imaginary bye for now.