No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
There never was a box. I'm Dinah Liversidge, Certified Master Coach, REBT Mind-set Coach and International Trainer and Speaker. I've been sharing my No Box Thinking ® approach to overcoming the labels we apply to our lives which limit our happiness and results.On this podcast I'll be sharing my ideas and approach with you, hopefully you'll hear something that connects for you and helps you try a new way.Mindset can be controlled. We can own it and take responsibility for it. I know it can be hard, but with mindful practice and gratitude for the now, anything is possible.
No Box Thinking ® with Dinah Liversidge
Change the set of your mindset
What if you control your mind-set like the sets at the theater? The set change that occurs between scenes is just like your mindset and with the right production, you can change the script, the other players and the set.
Hi there I'm Dinah Liversidge. And thanks for joining me on my notebooks thinking podcast. This is episode 10 of my series of 10 podcasts for April. And this month I have been focusing on change and how much change is a mindset. We tell ourselves stories about change. We repeat things about what we believe are our, you know, our ability to change or not to change. And we keep stuck because of our fear of what change might bring. And I hope if you haven't joined me for the other episodes this month, that you'll go back and listen to them. All my podcasts are around six to eight minutes. So in an hour, you'll have covered one of my favorite topics because change has been such a key part in all our lives. And it's also so integral to our mindset. And today I wanted to share with you what I share in one of my keynotes that I give when I'm speaking around the world, uh, on the topic of mindset. And that is the idea that you can change the set. I've always believed that going to the theater has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life. And as a young person, as a really little girl, I was extremely lucky because I could go to the theater and watch performances and watch opera because my family had friends who were in the theater and on the stage. And as a result, without realizing it was a really big deal to go. I went and watched lots and lots of opera and theater, I guess I just thought everybody did. I didn't realize how, how privileged I was to get to do that. And looking back, those trips to the theater were really formative for me. And one of my favorite moments would be when the lights would go down at the end of a scene. And if you really focused really hard on the stage, you could see that there were people dressed in black, carrying the various props off the set and carrying on other things to change what we were going to see in the next scene. And sure enough, the lights came back on and the entire set had been changed in a matter of moments by people on tiptoe who moved almost silently and with such care and precision so that when the lights came back on, the detail had changed entirely. This whole new set had appeared while I believe that we can be those people who change the set for ourselves, we can be the person who says, why do I tell myself I am of a certain mind set? When I am the one in control of the set, I am the one who can change the props. I can change that backdrop. I can even change the players that I let on into the next scene with me change is in my hands and my mind set can be changed. I just have to decide where to start, take ownership of it and believe in my decision. When you decide to take control of your set, you understand that mindset is such a strange words that we use because there is nothing set about it. Our minds are changing with every experience with every person we meet with every new book we encounter with every challenge that faces us, that we overcome. There is nothing set. It is all changing all the time and we are truly amazing at change. You are truly amazing at change. What's going to be the first thing you change on your set. Thank you for joining me on my podcast. I hope you'll play this one back and think about it again. And I'd love to know what you chose to change on your set. I hope you'll join me next month for our next focus topic. And until then, please, don't keep me a secret. Share me with people that you think would enjoy changing their mindset until then stop trying to think outside that box. There is no box.